You have new usability, legal, policy, and data quality issues to deal with, and that's just dealing with users who come in good faith. 您需要处理新的可用性、法律、政策和数据质量问题,并且这仅限于处理信任的用户。
Instead, determine what is legal, check if the data matches that definition, and reject anything that doesn't match that definition. 所以应该做的是确定哪些是合法的,检查数据是否符合定义,拒绝所有不符合定义的数据。
There are also potentially some legal issues surrounding the use of production data. 还有一些潜在的法律问题围绕着生产数据的使用。
Negative financial or legal consequences can result if data is intercepted by third parties, or if fraudulent data is accepted as valid. 如果数据被第三方截取,或者欺骗性数据被当作有效数据接收,那么会引起严重的财务或法律后果。
Another source of legal limitations on agency data gathering is the Constitution. 另一个对机关搜集信息数据的法律限制来源是宪法。
Joint Working Group on legal and commercial aspects of electronic data interchange; 电子数据交换的法律和商业方面联合工作组;
"To enforce EU law, national privacy watchdogs ( 3) will be endowed with powers to investigate and engage in legal proceedings ( 4) against non-EU data controllers," she added. 「为彻底执行欧盟法律,各国保护隐私权的机构将获得授权,得以对非欧盟资料管理者进行调查并提出法律诉讼。」她补充。
Further, users don't have a legal right to their data if it's stored on a company's servers, Stallman suggested. 如果数据存储在一家公司的服务器上,用户使用其数据的合法权利将大打折扣。Stallman暗示。
Google faced a stand-off with Hamburg privacy authorities last week over whether it would be legal to hand over the rogue data. 上周,围绕移交违规截获数据是否合法一事,谷歌与汉堡隐私机构陷入对峙。
Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data Interchange and Related Means of Communication 电子数据交换及有关传递手段法律方面示范
Beyond the legal and reputational threats associated with data protection blunders, privacy officers say their job is also about improving the way data are used in an organisation. 除了应对由违反信息保护法而遭遇的法律和声誉威胁以外,隐私官们表示,改进企业应用信息的方式,也是他们的职责所在。
Governing the country according to law and building a harmonious society demand that we use standardized legal language, which we can realize by establishing a legal language data base, summarizing legal language rules for application and drawing up guidelines for testing legal language. 依法治国、构建和谐社会要求法律语言必须规范。通过建设法律语言库、总结法律语言应用规则和研制法律语言检验规则的系列方法,可以引导法律语言规范化。
Firstly, the author introduces the legal protection of privacy and personal data in worldwide national laws, and offers some proposal about the legislation of personal data in our country. 首先,介绍了世界各国法律对于隐私权以及个人资料进行法律保护的总体情况,并对我国尽快制定专门的个人资料保护法提出建议。
The legal recognition and its the legal binding of data message therefore indicates a vital step in establishing a smooth link between the traditional legal system and the electronic commerce legal system. 因此数据电文法律地位确定和法律效力承认,成为电子商务法律制度与传统法律制度衔接的重要步骤。
Research on Constructing China's Legal Protection Mode of Data& A Limited Protection of Exclusive Right 构建我国数据库的法律保护模式研究&一种有限的专有权保护
The author concludes that the right to information privacy is the legal right basis ofthe personal data protection system through four layers. 本章共分四节,笔者按照逐层递进的顺序论证了信息隐私权是网络中个人信息保护的权利基础。
The writers pointed out that legal guarantee for systematic data sharing mechanism, powerful technique supports, and rich and practical data should be the main work for next stage of data sharing in China. 完整共享机制的法律法规保证,强有力的技术支撑,丰富实用的数据库应该成为下一个阶段工作的重点。
Analysis of the Tendency of Legal Protection of Personal Data in China 试析我国个人数据法律保护的趋势
On Legal Permission and Data-base Copyright Protection 试析法定许可与数据库版权保护
The Legal Recognition of Electronic Data Message 论数据电文的法律效力承认
Some legal problems of the contract of data message, such as the written form force, electronic signature, the formulation and establishment of the contract and so on, should be solved based upon functional-equivalent. 对此,应依赖功能等同法,解决数据电文合同的书面效力、电子签名、合同的订立与成立等法律问题。
The paper discusses such issues as the application of computers and the Internet in notary offices, the legal status of electronic data, and the possibility for the notary circles to establish a certification center. 文中对公证机构对计算机和互联网的应用、电子数据的法律地位、公证界在建立认证中心上的可能性等问题有所论述。
The Legal Status of Data Message in the I-COMMERCE Contract I-COMMERCE合同中数据电文的法律地位
Then analyzes the legal basis for the legal protection of consumer personal data ine-commerce should be the protection of personality rights. 接着分析了电子商务中消费者个人数据法律保护的法理依据应该是人格权的保护。
Through analysis, found the problems of the status of legal, data security issues, the regulation of credit, precipitation of funds, consumer protection issues, the issue of illegal trade, the issue of legal responsibility. 通过分析,发现存在法律主体地位问题、数据安全问题、信用监管问题、资金沉淀问题、消费者保护问题、非法交易问题、法律责任问题。
Legal protection of geological data needs to establish legal protection mode, which based on Intellectual property, supplemented by other administrative, civil law system, because of intangible property and both of public Interests and private interests property of geological data. 地质资料的无形财产和公益性私益性相结合的特殊属性决定了在地质资料的法律保护上要建立以知识产权保护为主,辅以其他行政、刑事、民事法律制度的法律保护模式。
The EU financial privacy protection legal system 'Personal Data Protection Directive' was enacted primarily because of two world wars to bring them fear, and its financial privacy protection requirements with a unified standard. 而欧盟金融隐私保护法律制度主要是《个人数据保护指令》,其对金融隐私保护要求用统一的标准,这部法律的制定主要是源于两次世界大战给他们带来的恐惧。
However, due to the uneven levels, quite a number of the application developers of B/ S mode do not consider the legal verification of the users 'data, which makes the hidden security risks exist in the application. 但是由于B/S模式的程序开发人员水平参差不齐,导致相当数量的编程人员在程序开发的时候,并没有充分的考虑对用户输入的数据进行合法性验证的问题,使得应用存在严重的安全隐患。
By building institutions and the cause of legal registration data acquisition system, the registration of legal institutions to achieve management information and scientific. 通过建设事业单位登记管理和事业法人数据采集系统,实现事业单位法人登记管理信息化、科学化。
Second, the registration authority at all levels to provide a unified technology platform for the national database of legal institutions to provide basic data to support the promotion of e-government to the deep-level, standardized direction. 其次,为各级登记管理机关提供了统一的技术平台,为国家事业单位法人基础数据库提供数据支持,促进我国电子政务建设向深层次、规范化方向发展。